2 hours performance created at the invitation of VOGUE UA magazine and presented among 30 other works by Ukrainian artists at the "FUTURESPECTIVE" exhibition. The exhibition "FUTURESPECTIVE" is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Ukraine's independence.
The performance is about the importance of working with experience, about the consistency and routine of this process, that it is an integral part of any path. Grinding the dust on the millstones into a finer fraction is a rather absurd, at the same time physically difficult act, it is something that you want to "postpone". But each of us has to turn those millstones to move on. I often work with the absurd manifestations of repetitive everyday actions, I like how it crystallizes the main idea.

The exhibition featured photos and a video about the preparation for the performance, shot by Sergei Morgunov.

Special documentation of the "No name ritual" in collaboration with the team of the VOGUE UA magazine also decorated one of the covers of a special art issue dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Ukraine's independence.